Industrial Rehabilitation
At our physical therapy clinic, our industrial rehab service is designed to reduce the amount of time an employee is away from work, resulting in a quicker return to work and aiding in the prevention of further injury.
We help prepare patients to take a the functional capacity evaluations.
Functional capacity evaluations are a series of tests to determine an injured worker’s level of safe functional performance. FCE results are compared to the physical demands of work to decide readiness to return to work, level of safe work, or assist in case closure. Job specific or general testing is provided with recommendations for work modifications, if necessary.
Here at Meadows, we strive to create a personalized treatment plan in order to best serve your goals and needs based off your health history and diagnosis. Here is what you should expect on your first visit with us.
Arrive 15 minutes early to your appointment. Dress in comfortable clothing and shoes.
If applicable, bring your physician referral or prescription, insurance card, paperwork, ID, and co-payment.